65 \ ALTITUDE He is firstly a geobiologist and magnetiser. He combines these in his company GeobioArmony, to heal both people and their environments. Jacques Clivaz uses tools such as pendulums, dowsing rods, and electromagnetic field detectors to identify potential issues in a given location (usually an apartment, house, or workplace). Certain elements, invisible to the naked eye, can indeed negatively impact the resident’s health (geological fault lines, subterranean water, telluric networks, etc.). Electronics have become a significant part of our everyday lives and their radiation can have an effect on some people. Jacque’s role is to analyse the energies of a place to detect electromagnetic pollution as well as geological issues. This initial analysis will then allow him to restore harmony through various techniques. "In the past, humans lived in communion with nature. They were attuned to it and built their homes on suitable land while respecting the environment. Unfortunately, we have lost this connection. The geobiologist remains the guardian of this ancient knowledge," says the graduate of the Swiss School of Geobiology and Dowsing. REBALANCING VITAL ENERGIES On his website and at various markets, the geobiologist offers different objects for harmonizing ambient energies. Among these are "orgonite" pieces, which he crafts by hand and can be used both decoratively and therapeutically. Another aspect of his work involves providing energy treatments to his patients to enhance their well-being. When treating a person, Jacques first assesses the energy state of their body based on his intuition. This allows him to diagnose the blockages causing the patient’s symptoms. "The next step is to reharmonize the entire body so that the energies flow correctly once again. This process increases vital energy, releases emotional blockages, and reduces stress," he says. Often, energy treatments complement geobiology. A DIVERSE CLIENTELE On a daily basis, Jacques works with a wide variety of clients, including architecture firms, estate agencies, general construction companies, and private individuals. "For new constructions, I may be called upon to perform an initial analysis of the land. I am sometimes asked to monitor the project to ensure the fundamental principles of healthy construction are followed," says the geobiologist. He also notes that he can facilitate the sale of certain properties through reharmonizing the space. "It is not always necessary for me to visit the site, as I can work remotely using plans and photos for an initial diagnosis," he adds. Jacques’ work does not convince everyone. The most rational among us might struggle to embrace this practice, viewing it as too esoteric. However, the geobiologist assures people that in most of his interventions, positive results are reported by those who have used his services. And ultimately, when everything else has been tried, why not trust knowledge that has proven itself over millennia ? François Praz